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We offer a relaxing environment with no unnecessary stressors such as barking dogs or unsympathetic handling. We pride ourselves on offering a highly individualized service.
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Full Service Hair Care: Men’s Haircut | $10,Children’s Haircut | $10, Women’s Haircut | $20.
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音樂教室位處銅鑼灣SOGO後方, 配有Boston GP178 三角琴. 教授鋼琴, 古典聲樂以及樂理 (5級/8級/AMusTCL/LMusTCL). Zachary 畢業於香港大學以及香港浸會大學音樂系. 有12年全職教授經驗. 能教授由3歳至成人各年齡. 課堂可以全英/廣東話教授. 可以優惠價錢安排試堂.

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Taxi, transfer and shuttle service in Hong Kong, all over Shenzhen,DongGuan,Guanzhou Hong Kong airport to Shenzhen HKD900 Hong Kong airport to Shenzhen airport HKD1200

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